Post oleh : AHMAD ULIL ABSHOR | Rilis : November 04, 2023 | Series :


Growth mindset is a mindset that understands that one's abilities or talents can continue to grow with effort and dedication. People who have a growth mindset don't just want to look smart or successful, but also want to learn and develop themselves. They see failure as an opportunity to learn, not as a limit to their abilities.

The benefit of having a growth mindset is that we can more easily face challenges and problems in life. We will not give up easily or feel inferior when we experience difficulties. We will also be more open to receiving criticism and suggestions that can help us improve our performance and quality. With a growth mindset, we can achieve greater and more meaningful success.

To develop a growth mindset, we need to train our mindset and behaviour. Some of the things we can do are: changing the language we use, for example from "I can't" to "I can't yet"; prioritising the learning process over the end result; making peace with ourselves and appreciating the progress we have made; sharing with others and learning from their experiences; and reflecting regularly to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses.

